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i-go-eco Blog - October 2023 Tradescantia is a diverse plant genus

Tradescantia is a diverse plant genus encompassing tropical species that are suitable as indoor houseplants, as well as hardy species that can be grown outdoors. Tropical varieties are typically grown for the attractive foliage that comes in an array of colours and patterns, while hardy types are grown for their charming three-petaled flowers that bloom for weeks during spring and summer. This ‘forgiving’ easy-to-grow plant is suitable for beginning gardeners and has a wide range of uses, whether augmenting interior spaces or when planted in the landscape. Add spiderwort plants to shade gardens, woodland borders, containers, or hanging baskets. Here’s how to grow and use this versatile plant in your home decor or landscape.

Whether you are a novice in the world of Trandescantia or an energetic collector, or maybe looking for a gift with a difference, there is something in your shop to suit your fancy.

Your garden or courtyard (or even sunny kitchen or stoep) is just not complete without one of these gems …

Botanical name: Trandescantia spp.

Common names:

  • Spiderwort
  • Purple spiderwort
  • Virginia spiderwort
  • Common spiderwort
  • Purple heart
  • Wandering dude or Jew, (Wandelende Jood in Afrikaans)
  • Trinity flower
  • Inch plant
  • Widow’s tears
  • Oyster plant

Origin: Native to North America, Central America, and South America

Care level: Easy

Light requirements: Full sun to shade, depending on the variety. Houseplants prefer bright indirect light. Growth rate: Medium to fast, depending on the variety. Foliage: Hardy varieties of spiderwort produce strappy grass-like leaves that grow in clumps, in colours of green, blue-green or gold.

Plants may die back during the heat of summer, returning from late summer to fall. Tropical varieties, which are grown primarily for the foliage, produce pointed or lance-shaped leaves, with solid or variegated patterns in shades of green, white, silver, purple, pink or cream.

Flowers: Three-petaled flowers 10- 25mm wide come in shades of white, purple, lavender, blue, or pink. The flowers on tropical species are insignificant compared to hardy outdoor species. Individual flowers last for a single day. Bloom time varies depending on the variety and growing conditions.

 Here are some of the variations proudly sold by i-go-eco

Tradescantia Rhoeo TricolourTradescantia ZebrinaTradescantia Sillamontana, Tradescantia NanoukTradescantia FluminesisTradescantia Bridal veil, Tradescantia PallidaTradescantia Red gem

We just love the Tradescantia Rhoeo Tricolour also known as  Tradescantia spathacea,boat lily, Moses-in-the-cradle, rainbow plant, oyster plant, Moses-in-a-basket.

Requires bright indirect sunlight. No direct sunlight. This is an easy plant to grow indoors. Water once soil has dried out slightly. Do not let it dry out completely Do not let it sit is water. Blooms in Spring.

Mist regularly. Humid conditions are recommended. 50 - 80 % should be perfect. You can prune the vines to keep the shape that you like. Known to improve air quality.

Tradescantia Rhoeo Tricolour