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i-go-eco August 2023

What can you expect to see in our shop in the next month?

Sword ferns
English Laurel
Garden décor such as painted rocks/ plaster of paris ornaments
More seeds
Home grown compost
Bead manure (kraalmis)  and compost mix
Birding products

It’s not quite time to start sowing flowers , but you can stock up on seed packs for all those bare spots….

Some examples:


What can you start doing?

In Gauteng

An edible sowing guide for August in temperate areas of the Highveld includes: 

Nasturtiums, Parsley, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce, rocket, carrots, beetroot, radish, beans, tomatoes and celery

We’re not quite yet done with winter, but it is certainly time to start planning and planting for warmer weather.

Remember, spring is just around the corner and your favourite online nursery is stocked with ideas

We have also recently started to add seeds to our shop.

Container care

Rejuvenate your containers that are housing feature plants (and which do not need repotting yet) by removing the top layer of old potting soil and replacing it with a mix of our own home grown fresh potting soil and compost.
Feed them with a slow-release general fertiliser, water well afterwards and add a layer of mulch.

Do you know which ferns does your favourite online nursery stock?

i-go-eco stock these (click on the link to view prices)

Some fern information:

The Staghorn Fern require frequent watering, but let the plant medium dry out between watering.

Medium to high indirect sunlight. As close as possible to the brightest window you have in your house or office.

However when it is a East or a West facing window, place it at least one meter away as the morning and afternoon sun can be too sharp and could burn the plant.

How to water a potted staghorn?

  • Mist the plant regularly.
  • Place the pot in a bowl of water and let it soak for 15 minutes
  • The root ball should be submerged in water when doing this.

The Button Fern is also known as Pellaea Rotundifolia

Requires low to medium indirect sunlight as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight

Loves higher humidity levels.

Soil should be moist at all times, however never soggy

The Kangaroo Fern is also known as Microsorum diversifolium, Kangaroo foot fern

Requires low – medium indirect sunlight as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight

Loves higher humidity levels.

Should should be moist at all times, but never soggy

The Maidenhair Fern is also known as Adiantum raddianum

Requires low to medium indirect sunlight as long as it is not exposed to direct sunlight

Loves higher humidity levels.

Soil should be moist at all times, however never soggy


The Blue Star Fern and the Crispy wave Fern are relatively easy houseplants to take care for.

Requires medium indirect sunlight as long as it is not  exposed to direct sun.

Humidity levels of at least 60% or more .

Soil should be moist at all times, but not soggy.

Water weekly, however check that top 2cm of soil has dried out slightly between watering.

Don’t mist its leaves and water directly on soil without getting the leaves wet.


What is new in our shop? (click on the link to view prices)

Who is Margaret Roberts

This super exiting product is available in our store. The concentrated mix make  150 litre which means it will go a long long way…

Margaret Joan Roberts (1937 – 4 March 2017) was a South African herbalist and author of over 40 books on herbs and related topics. Margaret Roberts brought herbs into South Africa over 60 years ago and gave lectures about the benefits of herbs and healthy living, her motto was to 'Educate and Inspire'.

The Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre in De Wildt, North West Province was developed by Margaret and is named after her, this continues with her daughter Sandy Roberts who has worked with Margaret for 32 years.

Margaret has lent her name to product ranges including food ranges, toiletries, gifts, kitchenware, stationery, textiles, seeds and books.

The Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre is known to be one of the top ten gardens in South Africa.

Margaret is well known for her Margaret Roberts lavenders which she cross cultivated over 15 years and which is endemic to South Africa, also known for her Ginger Rosemary, High Hopes Basil and Margaret Roberts Rose, all of these varieties are named after her

She was a qualified physiotherapist and has received a Laureate Award from the University of Pretoria for being one of South Africa's first organic farmers.

Crassula collector? Let us help you expand your collection

Crassula Species that we stock as potted Plant or cutting.

Crassula species i-go-eco Crassula i-go-eco

crassula i-go-ecocrassula i-go-ecocrassula i-go-eco

crassula i-go-ecocrassula i-go-eco

There are more than 300 Crassula species of which approx. 150 are found in Southern Africa, where they are widespread but concentrated in the semi-arid winter-rainfall areas.

Crassulas are an incredibly large and diverse genus of succulent plants with many species, subspecies, varieties and forms hailing from across South Africa. Some are so interesting and pretty that it’s easy to fall into the trap of collecting as many of them as you can!

The lifespan of succulents, including crassula plants, varies widely, from 20 to over 100 years. If you take care of your crassula plant, you can enjoy it for a long time.

Crassula ovata is the most common and popular variety and offers oval-shaped thick dark green leaves that grow upward and spans out. It also grows pink-white flowers in winter

The Jade plant, with the scientific name Crassula ovata, also commonly known as the lucky plant, money plant or money tree, is a succulent plant with small pink or white flowers that is native to the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa, and Mozambique; it is common as a houseplant worldwide.